#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "algorithms.c" // LZW compression
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "algorithms.c" // LZW compression
FILE *inputFile;
FILE *outputFile;
FILE *outputFile;
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // number of arguments, arguments array
// do we have correct # of arguments?
if (argc > 2) {
if (strcmp(argv[1], "c") == 0) { // compression
inputFile = fopen(argv[2], "r"); // read from the input file (HTML)
outputFile = fopen(strcat(argv[2], "in.txt"), "w+b"); // binary write to output file
if (outputFile == NULL || inputFile == NULL) {
printf("Can't open files\n'"); return 0;
compress(inputFile, outputFile);
} else { // decompression
inputFile = fopen(argv[2], "rb"); // binary read from the input file
// do we have correct # of arguments?
if (argc > 2) {
if (strcmp(argv[1], "c") == 0) { // compression
inputFile = fopen(argv[2], "r"); // read from the input file (HTML)
outputFile = fopen(strcat(argv[2], "in.txt"), "w+b"); // binary write to output file
if (outputFile == NULL || inputFile == NULL) {
printf("Can't open files\n'"); return 0;
compress(inputFile, outputFile);
} else { // decompression
inputFile = fopen(argv[2], "rb"); // binary read from the input file
char temp[20]; int length = strlen(argv[2])-4;
strncpy(temp, argv[2], length);
temp[length] = '\0';
outputFile = fopen(temp, "w"); // write to output file (HTML)
if (outputFile == NULL || inputFile == NULL) {
printf("Can't open files\n'"); return 0;
decompress(inputFile, outputFile);
fclose(inputFile); fclose(outputFile); // close handles
} else {
// usage
printf("LZW 0.7 (c) 2009 Radek Stepan 03 Dec 2009\n\n");
printf("Usage: lzw <command> <input file>\n\n");
printf("<Commands>\n c Compress\n d Decompress\n");
return 0;
strncpy(temp, argv[2], length);
temp[length] = '\0';
outputFile = fopen(temp, "w"); // write to output file (HTML)
if (outputFile == NULL || inputFile == NULL) {
printf("Can't open files\n'"); return 0;
decompress(inputFile, outputFile);
fclose(inputFile); fclose(outputFile); // close handles
} else {
// usage
printf("LZW 0.7 (c) 2009 Radek Stepan 03 Dec 2009\n\n");
printf("Usage: lzw <command> <input file>\n\n");
printf("<Commands>\n c Compress\n d Decompress\n");
return 0;